Wednesday, November 21, 2007

New books just in - Christmas, Poetry and Gorey

Today's delivery brought us some great books for presents!

Several Edward Gorey books - Amphigorey Again plus two books illustrated by Gorey: Eliot's "Old Possums Books of Practical Cats" and John Bellairs' creepy kids' classic, "The House withe the Clock in its Walls."

Poetry - Classics by Kipling, Blake ("Tiger, tiger..."?) and Eliot.

Christmas stories:
Christmasville - Near the crossroads of magic and miracle, Christmasville offers a vision steeped in what, arguably, is the most celebrated of western traditions. But something is askew. Through a series of perilous journeys, across a landscape shaped by "a different set of rules," Christmasville reveals the experiences and discoveries of Mary Jane Higgins as she unravels the dynamics of her unusual universe--one that operates according to three, notably different, phenomena--time, space, and memory.

Christmas Jars - Where had it come from? Whose money was it? Was I to spend it? Save it? Pass it on to someone more needy? Above all else, why was I chosen? Certainly there were others, countless others more needy than I...Her reporter's intuition insisted that a remarkable story was on the verge of the front page.

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